曾是一位金融才俊的阿博(Bowen),终日在24小时快餐店借宿,店内有不少同路人与阿博为伍,相互改写了各自的人生。分别有一直为奶奶还债而债台高筑的妈妈带着囡囡、不敢回家的等伯、刚离家出走的少年深仔,还有暂居庇护宿舍的歌女阿珍都以阿博为首,各....展开全部曾是一位金融才俊的阿博(Bowen),终日在24小时快餐店借宿,店内有不少同路人与阿博为伍,相互改写了各自的人生。分别有一直为奶奶还债而债台高筑的妈妈带着囡囡、不敢回家的等伯、刚离家出走的少年深仔,还有暂居庇护宿舍的歌女阿珍都以阿博为首,各人互相扶持,希望能尽力帮助彼此走过人生低谷…..Bowen, a former financial talent, spends the night in a 24-hour fast food restaurant. There are many fellow travellers in the shop with Bowen, rewriting their lives. There are mothers who have been paying high debts for her grandma with her daughters and daughters, waiting uncles who dare not go home, young boys who have just ran away from home, and singer-songwriter Azhen who temporarily lives in the sheltered dormitory. They are all headed by Abo and support each other. , I hope I can try my best to help each other through the trough of life...收起全部